In this project I designed and developed the costumes with light for the two dancers. The on screen content is generated in real time based on the movement of the dancers.
The Panasonic showstopper at ISE (Integrated Systems Europe) 2018 in Amsterdam has been drawing huge crowds.
This hologramshow combines disguise media servers, Blacktrax tracking technology, Novaline holographic projection surfaces
and content from Painting with light.
Voor dit project ontwierp ik twee lichtgevende outfits voor de dansers. sensoren in het pak genereren de inhoud op het scherm als de dansers bewegen.
Deze hoogtechnologische hologramshow van Panasonic was te zien op ISE (Integrated Systems Europe) 2018 in Amsterdam.
- Regie: Frank Dewulf
- Visuals: Tim Vandekerckhove
- The costumes of the dancers: Wim Godderis
- dancers: Gill Requière en Anthony Benjamin
- choreografie: Roy Julen
- With: Painting with light (Wouter Verhulst)
- With: Studio Regie Ellen Cosyn Olav Verhoeven